API Integration
Integrate our API into your software or service! Test your API key in the API Testing Tool
API Settings & Documentation
This page is for software developers who want to integrate addtoindex.com API into their own software or service!

API URL (Live)


This Live URL is for sending live sumissions, submitted data will be saved to your account


You can use HTTP POST Method only when communicating with our API. HTTP GET Method will end up with ERROR !

Post Parameters

Name Type  Description
  string User's unique API Key used for authentication. Each user can find his own API Key within his account at our website
   cmd string  Command to execute. Possible values:

remaininglimit - returns the remaining links submission credits available for the authenticated user

expiredate - returns the expire date of the membership for the authenticated user

submit - submits links into the system for Indexing
A campaign name under which the URLs sent will be assigned. Campaigns are used in our system to help out customers organize their submitted URLs by groups. If this variable is omitted or is left blank our system will create a campaign with current date time stamp. If a campaign with the name provided already exists, our system will automatically add some random characters to its end.

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command

This variable can be omited or left blank if you are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command
   dripfeed string Specifies scheduling options. There are 2 possible values: 

XX_days - drip feed all links within XX days

disabled - submit All Links ASAP (No Dripfeeding)

Replace XX with your desired values. If this variable is omitted or left blank our system will set a default value of dripfeed all links within 7 days

Minimum value is 1 days and Maximum value is 30 days! 


dripfeed=30_days will dripfeed all submitted links within 30 days

dripfeed=disabled will mark all links for immediate processing

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command

This variable can be omited or left blank if you are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command
   urls string This is a string collection of all links that will be submitted to our system. Delimiter between each URL can be | (single pipe) or a new line. If more links than the available user's link submission credits are tried to be submitted, our system will accept only that much as the remaining limit is!

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command

This variable can be omited or left blank if you are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command

API Response

Any response from our Remote API is in plain text format!

###### - Returns the User's Remaining Link Submission Credits, where ###### is the actual limit number

####-##-## - Returns the User's Membership Expire Date, where ####-##-## is the expire date

Submission:OK (URL Count:xx) - Returned if everything went smooth on a Links Submission Query. xx means the total of received URLs.

ERROR: xxxxxxxxx.....xxxxxx

  • ERROR:apikey is not registered - Submitted API Key is wrong and or not Registered
  • ERROR:membership expired - Membership for User is expired
  • ERROR:Credit Limit is exceeded - Submitted URL count is more than available credits for user
  • ERROR:apikey and or cmd is not received - Posted data has some error. no apikey or cmd is received.

  • You can check the rest of the tabs found on top of this page for real code examples written in various programming languages! Having problems implementing Your code to use with Our API? You discovered a bug in our API? Don't hesitate to Contact Us

    Testing Tool